Free weights or machines? The pros and cons of each

It can be overwhelming when you go into a gym and see the wide range of machines and free weights. For a new or even regular gym user it can be confusing and difficult to decide what is the best workout for you, in this post we will talk about some of the pros and cons to both free weights and machines so that you can make the best decision possible. 

Free Weights

What are free weights? Free weights are any weight not a part of a machine. Barbells, kettlebells, medicine balls and dumbbells bands are all examples of free weights. The pros to free weights are you can target more muscle groups with a single exercise, free weights mimic your body’s natural movement so your mobility is less restricted than with a machine. You also are using other muscles to stabilise yourself while using free weights, so your core and other lower body can still be getting a workout even if doing an upper body exercise. Free weights are also great for a home gym because they are cheaper and take up less space than machines. The cons of free weights are that form is incredibly important so for beginners can have poor form which greatly increases the risk of injury, which means free weights can be tougher for people just starting their workout journey who haven’t developed the proper form and technique yet. Also once you reach a certain weight for exercises you will need a spotter to assist you, it can also take longer to find the correct weight for each exercise you do. 

Weight Machines

What are Weight Machines? A weight machine is a piece of equipment that uses weights or resistance for that workout. The pros to weight machines are that they are great for beginners who don’t know the proper form because the machine forces you to do the correct form every time. Weight machines also decrease the chance of injury while working out because you are not going against the force of gravity which lowers stress on the joints. Weight machines are also excellent for isolating individual muscle groups which provides a great workout. The cons to weight machines are that while isolating individual muscle groups provides a great workout for that muscle it can lead to other muscles being underdeveloped, which means you should have a workout plan while using the machines to ensure that all muscles are being worked on. Weight machines are also more expensive and take up more space meaning they can be impractical if you are setting up a home gym. 


In conclusion there are positives and negatives to both types of machines. The final decision comes down to what type of workout you are looking for and whether you are building a home gym or just going to a commercial gym. If you are looking for help making the decision or want to look at the different types of machines and free weights the showroom at Fitness Equipment Ireland has lots of examples of both and trained staff that can help you make the best decision possible.

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