Starting your fitness journey in 2024

Starting your fitness journey can be challenging and intimidating for some people. But in 2024 that doesn’t need to be the case anymore. Whether you’re just starting your fitness journey, or getting back into a routine after the holidays. It’s never been easier to start your fitness journey.  

Tips and tricks 

A major obstacle people have to starting their fitness routine is that they are just uncertain of how to take that first step. This blog will try and give people some tips so that they can start their journey and never look back. The most crucial piece of advice is that you don’t have to go right to a gym and max out the weight on every machine, the best place to start can be right in the comfort of your own home. Starting small is a great way to begin a workout routine and not risk overdoing it and stopping due to excessive soreness or burnout. Yoga is a great way to increase your flexibility, posture, strength and general wellbeing and can be done at home with just a mat and videos on your phone. Going for a run or walk is another great way to increase your cardiovascular fitness and doesn’t require any equipment other than proper shoes. Finding a partner to workout with can also be very helpful as you can talk and catch up with a friend while also working out, it also can be a good motivating factor as you won’t want to take a day off when you know that your friend is excited to workout with you that day. It is also important to vary what type of exercise you do, if you just go to the gym everyday you can become overly sore and frustrated. Instead try going to the gym a couple days a week and on the others you can go for a run, take a walk with your friend, or find a local field and join a soccer game. Most importantly though you should listen to your body, taking a day to rest and recover isn’t delaying your journey, it’s actually helping it move forward by giving your muscles time to re-charge so that you don’t constantly feel sore which can cause a lot of people to stop working out. 


In conclusion, starting a fitness journey has never been easier than it is today. You just have to listen to your body and ensure you’re not overdoing it and rushing into doing max weight on every workout you do. If you have any questions about your fitness journey or want to buy equipment to get it started the trained staff at Fitness Equipment Ireland are happy to assist you. 

contact us via phone at (01) 816 7510  or email [email protected]

Where you can find us:
Kylemore Park W, Kylemore, Dublin, D10 WC62

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