The benefits of regular exercise for every age group

Every age group has different hopes and goals when it comes to what they can get out of their exercise routine. But regardless of what the desired end goal may be, exercise is crucial to maintaining a healthy lifestyle for all age groups. 

Teens: One major benefit to regular exercise for teenagers is that they develop a pattern of regular exercise which is more likely to continue as they age. It can be hard to develop regular exercise routines as an adult but if they have already been doing it for years by that point they are much more likely to continue with that routine. Regular exercise as a teenager also greatly reduces the risks of developing diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Regular exercise as a teen not only just helps the body but the mind also, because it can lead to them getting more productive sleep which makes them more productive in school. For more information about strength training for teens check out our other blog on it. 

Adults: As an adult regular exercise is crucial to maintaining not just a healthy lifestyle but a productive one as well. Regular exercise as an adult is crucial for lowering cholesterol which in turn greatly reduces the risk of a heart attack and heart disease. Regular exercise can also help improve your overall move and general happiness which can increase productivity in your daily life. Exercising regularly also leads to more productive sleep which will make you feel better rested and more productive throughout the day. Exercise is also crucial to strengthening up the bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons which reduces the chance of injuries and developing certain degenerative conditions which can become more prevalent as you age. Finally exercise is a great thing to do with friends and can be a social activity that you look forward to rather than feeling like a chore you have to do.  

Older Adults: There may be no group that exercise can be beneficial for than older adults. Regular exercise greatly reduces the risks of heart disease, strokes, diabetes and certain types of cancer among older adults. Exercise is also incredibly important in reducing the cognitive decline in older adults. As you age your bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments all naturally become weaker, but exercise is a great way to strengthen them up which in turn greatly lowers the risks of falls which means older adults can be more independent and not need to rely on others to help them. Much like with adults exercise is a great communal activity and can keep older adults social and engaged with their friends which has also shown to help mental health. For more information about strength training for older adults check out our other blog on that subject. 

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