The impact of sleep on fitness and recovery

Everyone has heard about how important sleep is for their daily life but few know just how important it is to their fitness and recovery. Sleep is crucial for recovery because while you sleep is when your body starts to repair itself from the workout that you did that day. When you sleep your body releases growth hormones which repair the damaged muscles from that day’s workout, and the longer you sleep the more time your body has to repair those muscles which means you will be less sore the next day. However if you don’t get enough sleep then the body doesn’t have time to fully repair the muscles which can make you more sore and force you to adjust or even postpone the workout you had planned. If you don’t get enough sleep you can feel groggy and your reaction times raised which can lead to a much less productive workout, it also increases the risks of an injury during a workout. Getting the proper amount of sleep also increases your overall energy level which can lead to a much more productive workout. Conversely not getting enough sleep can make you feel more drained and can make a workout much tougher to complete even if you lower the weights you use or the overall time you were going to workout for. 


In conclusion, there is a very strong argument to be made that sleep is the most crucial factor in determining if you are able to reach your fitness goals or if you ultimately fall short. If you are looking for tools to help your recovery, Fitness Equipment Ireland has a great selection to choose from.

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Kylemore Park W, Kylemore, Dublin, D10 WC62

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